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Bohemian (Open Mic) Night

Every Wednesday Night!

Hi! This is Bohemian Night.

If you want to have a go, you may do so.

You can do your own stuff, someone else's stuff,

music, poetry, comedy,

anything you like as long as it's not getting naked or anything to do with fire.

And certainly not both at the same time.


I've been running Boho for 27 years now.

It's been at various venues in that time,

but now it's at the Fisherman's Cottage, Canal Way, Reading.

Out of the bedroom and on to the stage.

It's a very welcoming night and not in the slightest bit cliquy.

I also care very much that you sound good and feel comfortable.

Come and air your wares.

If you're starting out, it's a great  way of getting used to performing live.

And if you are well practiced, it's brilliant for trying out new material.

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